
A Night in India Cast

A Night In India Cast

GHDT’s June show allows for us to invite dancers to come intern, apprentice, and guest artist with the company. For this concert, we have dancers from Ohio, Michigan, and India. Yes, you read that right – India! Scroll down to see the dancers who will joining the company in A NIGHT IN INDIA. To learn more about the GHDT company dancers, click here!

 Abhishek Rathod

 Kenneth Shelby Jr

 Rahul Thahryani

 Adrian Dominguez

 Jameson Keating

 Hannah Williamson  

 Morgan Beane 

 Hannah Johnson

 Katie Brake


Come see these dancers join the GHDT Company Dancers in A NIGHT IN INDIA on June 9th and 10th at 7PM. For tickets, click here.

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