

As a non-profit arts organization based in Carmel, Indiana, Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre has embraced the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in this year of 2020 with concern, determination and adaptability. With live arts shut down or minimized throughout the country, GHDT continues to move forward with unconventional modes of creative work.  Optimism and hope surround the organization and the professional company dancers as they enter the new year of 2021.   

With the extraordinary monetary generosity of individual donors, companies, foundations and government so far this year, GHDT has been able to weather the initial storm and return to work in late August. By following intense safety guidelines and restrictions, the eight company dancers have continued to rehearse, learn and return to the theatre with a successful live performance to reduced audience sizes at The Tarkington in October 2020. Today they are preparing for the second concert of the season, DANCES FOR A NEW WORLD: PART TWO scheduled for January 14-16, 2021 at The Tarkington.

GHDT is launching their 2020 YEAR-END GIVING CAMPAIGN on November 23 which will run through December 31. Contributions will go directly to the operating expenses of the company including salaries, rent and insurance.  “With ticket revenue down due to restricted seating in the theatre, it is important to boost other forms of income like donations at this time,” says Ivy Heazeltine, President of the GHDT Board of Directors.  “With #givingtuesday and the holiday season approaching, it is the perfect time for loyal fans to support our organization so that we may sustain and continue our mission in 2021.  We are planning for more original and amazing works to be performed live on stage in the coming year.  It is easy to donate through our website at and click on the DONATE button.  We are so appreciative of each and every donation,” she adds. 

Any donation of $100 or more will receive a thank you note with a video link to the full-length production of DANCES FOR A NEW WORLD: PART ONE which premiered in October.

“We want to keep the dancers working and of course working safely,” says Executive Artistic Director Gregory Hancock.  “It is very difficult for them to retain and build strength, stamina and flexibility if they are not able to work in a studio environment each day.  Dancing is different from other art forms.  Living room work-outs are just not the same.  They need space, routine, and each other even if the environment is masked and socially distanced.  They have adapted well and are strong and motivated.  We hope our patrons will support us by attending our up-coming concerts in a safe environment created by The Center for the Performing Arts.”

Audience members were thrilled to return to the live performances of GHDT’s DANCES FOR A NEW WORLD: PART ONE in October. 

“GHDT presents some of the most original, touching, and inspiring works we’ve seen anywhere.  The works are consistently visually and sonically stunning.  GHDT performances always combine top level choreography and talented dancers with perfectly matched music and lighting.  We hope this wonderful organization can not only survive, but thrive during these hard economic times,” states one patron.

“My breath was taken away so many times during DANCES FOR A NEW WORLD: PART ONE. I forgot where I was. I forgot everything else but the pain, isolation, loneliness and sometimes the indomitable spirit of the human race which have all been emotions I’ve felt over the past seven months. Thank you for giving it a voice. Thank you for providing us an outlet for all of our emotions. Once again, absolutely, achingly exquisite,” says audience member Sheryl A.

For additional information about upcoming performances, contact Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre at 317-844-2660 or
For interview/media information only, contact Ivy Heazeltine at

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